Table of

8.1.2010The year I started blogging (blogware)
9.1.2010Linux initramfs with iSCSI and bonding support for PXE booting
9.1.2010Using manually tweaked PTX assembly in your CUDA 2 program
9.1.2010OpenCL autoconf m4 macro
9.1.2010Mandelbrot with MPI
10.1.2010Using dynamic libraries for modular client threads
11.1.2010Creating an OpenGL 3 context with GLX
11.1.2010Creating a double buffered X window with the DBE X extension
12.1.2010A simple random file read benchmark
14.12.2011Change local passwords via RoundCube safer
5.1.2012Multi-GPU CUDA stress test
6.1.2012CUDA (Driver API) + nvcc autoconf macro
29.5.2012CUDA (or OpenGL) video capture in Linux
31.7.2012GPGPU abstraction framework (CUDA/OpenCL + OpenGL)
7.8.2012OpenGL (4.3) compute shader example
10.12.2012GPGPU face-off: K20 vs 7970 vs GTX680 vs M2050 vs GTX580
4.8.2013DAViCal with Windows Phone 8 GDR2
5.5.2015Sample pattern generator


GPGPU abstraction framework (CUDA/OpenCL + OpenGL)


The differences between CUDA and OpenCL are mostly cosmetic from the developer's point of view. Therefore it is possible to create a framework which abstracts the differences away, which is the topic of this entry.

While OpenCL aims to unify GPGPU development, there are still practical benefits to using CUDA on NVIDIA setups that one simply cannot go around. Firstly, identical kernels often perform differently on OpenCL and on CUDA (CUDA usually being the faster). Secondly, CUDA exposes some features specific to NVIDIA architectures that are not available in OpenCL. Because of this, when targeting both AMD and NVIDIA platforms, I usually end up writing both OpenCL and CUDA implementations of my algorithms.

In order to get rid of this duplicate effort once and for all, I designed a framework which abstracts the parts that go differently between CUDA and OpenCL, and wrote an API over it, allowing applications to define and run GPGPU algorithms in a CUDA/OpenCL agnostic way, easily.

This framework offers
  1. A pseudolanguage, which is automatically compiled as CUDA or OpenCL based on the host application's runtime choice
  2. A very easy abstract C++ API to handle initializations, buffers, kernels, and textures
  3. OpenGL interoperability

An example

A demonstration at this point probably clarifies things the most. In the host application, you can do this:

#include "gpgpu_frame.h"
#include "gpgpu_cuda.h"
#include "gpgpu_opencl.h"

gpgpuController *gpgpuCtrl;
GLuint texHandle_gl;
int bufHandle_gpgpu;
int texHandle_gpgpu;
int kernelHandle_gpgpu;

/*  main():  Initializations */

if (gpgpuMode == 1)
    gpgpuCtrl = (gpgpuController*) new cudaController(-1); // -1 == find a device capable of OpenGL interop.
    gpgpuCtrl = (gpgpuController*) new openCLController(-1);

// We use one texture
glGenTextures(1, &texHandle_gl);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texHandle_gl);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA32F, 5125120, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT, NULL);

   This is how it goes:  1) The OpenGL texture is shared to GPGPU to be used by the GPGPU kernel
                         2) The kernel fills in a buffer based on samples of the texture
                         3) The buffer is written over the texture, and released back to OpenGL
   (What the kernel actually does is irrelevant, but it essentially incrementally changes the texture)
// Allocating the GPGPU resources
bufHandle_gpgpu = gpgpuCtrl->newBuffer(texSize, NULL); // If not NULL, data is read from the pointer
texHandle_gpgpu = gpgpuCtrl->makeGLTexture(texHandle_gl);

// Clearing the texture
gpgpuCtrl->fillTexFromBuffer(texHandle_gpgpu, bufHandle_gpgpu);

// Kernel sources
KernelSrc src;
kernelHandle_gpgpu = gpgpuCtrl->newKernel(&src);

// Binding the buffer and the texture to the kernel
gpgpuCtrl->setBufferParam(kernelHandle_gpgpu, bufHandle_gpgpu);
gpgpuCtrl->setTex(kernelHandle_gpgpu, texHandle_gpgpu, "cubetex"); // "Cubetex" == tex name in kernel code

// Total threads X, block size X; and the same for Y (Y can be omitted for 1D)
gpgpuCtrl->setKernelExecConf(kernelHandle_gpgpu, 5121651216);
gpgpuCtrl->preferSM(kernelHandle_gpgpu); // Prefer as much shared memory as possible (supported by CUDA)

// Writing out the final sources if you want to check them out
// (Will be postfixed by ".cu" or ".cl" depending on your backend)
gpgpuCtrl->writeKernelSrc(kernelHandle_gpgpu, "texfillSource");

// We can also benchmark the kernel right here and now
// (Prints statistics to stdout)

/* loop(): The main loop (ran for each frame) */
// Executing the kernel

// Filling in the texture from the buffer data
gpgpuCtrl->fillTexFromBuffer(texHandle_gpgpu, bufHandle_gpgpu);

updateGL(); // OpenGL renders a cube using the texture

The kernel source file "":

#kernelDecl{accumulateTexture}{float4 *outBuf}# {
    #sharedMem# int maxValue;

    int myX = #globalThreadX#;
    int myY = #globalThreadY#;

    if (#threadX# == 0 && #threadY# == 0)
        maxValue = 0;

    float relX = #div{(float)myX}{512.0f}#;
    float relY = #div{(float)myY}{512.0f}#;
    float4 sample = #tex2DSample4{cubetex}{relX}{relY}#;

    int pixShuffle = ((myX+myY)%100);
    float outX = pixShuffle < 50 ? sample.x : 1.0f-sample.x;


    #sincos{sample.z*3.14f + (float)maxValue*0.1f}{sample.x}{sample.y}#;

    sample.z += 0.01f;

    outBuf[myY*512 + myX] = #float4Ctor{outX}{sample.y}{sample.z}{1.0f}#;

The code parser scans for hashes, and replaces content it recognizes by the equivalent OpenCL/CUDA code.
The compiled CUDA code looks like this:

#define LANG_CUDA

texture<float42cudaReadModeElementType> cubetex;

extern "C" __global__ void accumulateTexture(float4 *outBuf) {
    __shared__ int maxValue;

    int myX = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    int myY = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;

    if (threadIdx.x == 0 && threadIdx.y == 0)
        maxValue = 0;

    float relX = __fdividef((float)myX, 512.0f);
    float relY = __fdividef((float)myY, 512.0f);
    float4 sample = tex2D(cubetex, relX, relY);

    int pixShuffle = ((myX+myY)%100);
    float outX = pixShuffle < 50 ? sample.x : 1.0f-sample.x;

    atomicMax(&maxValue, pixShuffle);

    __sincosf(sample.z*3.14f + (float)maxValue*0.1f, &sample.x, &sample.y);

    sample.z += 0.01f;

    outBuf[myY*512 + myX] = make_float4(outX, sample.y, sample.z, 1.0f);

And the compiled OpenCL code looks like this:


__kernel void accumulateTexture(__global float4 *outBuf, __read_only image2d_t cubetex, sampler_t TEXSAMPLER_LINEAR) {
    __local int maxValue;

    int myX = (int)get_global_id(0);
    int myY = (int)get_global_id(1);

    if ((int)get_local_id(0) == 0 && (int)get_local_id(1) == 0)
        maxValue = 0;

    float relX = native_divide((float)myX, 512.0f);
    float relY = native_divide((float)myY, 512.0f);
    float4 sample = read_imagef(cubetex, TEXSAMPLER_LINEAR, (float2)(relX, relY));

    int pixShuffle = ((myX+myY)%100);
    float outX = pixShuffle < 50 ? sample.x : 1.0f-sample.x;

    atomic_max(&maxValue, pixShuffle);

        const float sinCosAngle = sample.z*3.14f + (float)maxValue*0.1f;
        sample.x = native_sin(sinCosAngle);
        sample.y = native_cos(sinCosAngle);

    sample.z += 0.01f;

    outBuf[myY*512 + myX] = (float4)(outX, sample.y, sample.z, 1.0f);

Neat, huh? At least I think so.
Note how little you have to do to get an OpenGL texture in? Doing that directly with CUDA or OpenCL is involved and error-prone. What's worse, both the API calls and declarations in the kernel code go very differently between the two. With this framework you only have to (i) give a name for the OpenGL texture, (ii) bind it with a kernel, and (iii) in the kernel code sample it by referring to its name.

The full example along with the framework (BSD license): gpgpu_frame-0.3.tar.gz.
This GPGPU abstraction framework is at a proof-of-concept stage; some features might be missing. I am implementing stuff as I go, therefore expect updates (or ask for them).

GPGPU frame demo


Documentation and feature list: See file "gpgpu_frame.h" in the example. (Also read README and INSTALL)

You can see which anchor keywords are supported from the header above, and use them in the pseudolanguage code like this: #keywordName{param1}{param2}..{paramN}#. The parameters cannot contain '{' or '}' and keywords cannot be nested.

In case the pseudolanguage does not suffice (e.g. you need to nest keywords or procedurally generate code), you can inherit the KernelSrc class and reimplement genSrc() function to generate code (this is what I usually do) using calls like: append("int blockStartX = %s<<%d;\n", d_keywords->blockX().c_str(), (int)(log2(blockSizeX) + 0.5));

The CUDA backend uses the Driver API and invokes "nvcc" and "ptxas" on the fly (see the blog entry cuda-m4).

In case you're not interested in OpenGL interoperability, instead of passing -1 to the gpgpuController constructor, pass 0. If you already have a context initialized, pass its handle instead.


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