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Creating a double buffered X window with the DBE X extension
// Include libX11 and libXext during linking
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/extensions/Xdbe.h>
#include <cstdio>
Display *d_dpy;
Window d_win;
Visual *d_vis = NULL;
XdbeBackBuffer d_backBuf;
GC d_gc;
int d_drawColor;
int d_clearColor;
int width = 800;
int height = 600;
* Create the context like this:
const char *display = ":0"; // Use NULL for default (environment variable)
if (!(d_dpy = XOpenDisplay(display))) {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open X11 display\n");
return 100;
// Xdbe extension for double buffering
int major, minor;
if (XdbeQueryExtension(d_dpy, &major, &minor)) {
printf("Xdbe (%d.%d) supported, using double buffering\n", major, minor);
int numScreens = 1;
Drawable screens[] = { DefaultRootWindow(d_dpy) };
XdbeScreenVisualInfo *info = XdbeGetVisualInfo(d_dpy, screens, &numScreens);
if (!info || numScreens < 1 || info->count < 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "No visuals support Xdbe\n");
return 110;
// Choosing the first one, seems that they have all perflevel of 0,
// and the depth varies.
XVisualInfo xvisinfo_templ;
xvisinfo_templ.visualid = info->visinfo[0].visual; // We know there's at least one
// As far as I know, screens are densely packed, so we can assume that if at least 1 exists, it's screen 0.
xvisinfo_templ.screen = 0;
xvisinfo_templ.depth = info->visinfo[0].depth;
int matches;
XVisualInfo *xvisinfo_match =
XGetVisualInfo(d_dpy, VisualIDMask|VisualScreenMask|VisualDepthMask, &xvisinfo_templ, &matches);
if (!xvisinfo_match || matches < 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't match a Visual with double buffering\n");
return 111;
printf("%d supported visuals\n", info->count);
for (int i = 0; i < info->count; ++i) {
printf("visual %d/%d: id %d, depth %d, perf %d\n",
i, info->count,
printf("We got xvisinfo: id: %d, screen %d, depth %d\n",
xvisinfo_match->visualid, xvisinfo_match->screen, xvisinfo_match->depth);
// We can use Visual from the match
d_vis = xvisinfo_match->visual;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "No Xdbe support\n");
return 101;
d_drawColor = BlackPixel(d_dpy, DefaultScreen(d_dpy));
d_clearColor = WhitePixel(d_dpy, DefaultScreen(d_dpy));
// The actual window, front buffer, using Xdbe enabled Visual (d_vis)
unsigned long xAttrMask = CWBackPixel;
XSetWindowAttributes xAttr;
xAttr.background_pixel = d_clearColor;
d_win = XCreateWindow(d_dpy, DefaultRootWindow(d_dpy),
0, 0, width, height, 0, CopyFromParent, CopyFromParent, d_vis,
xAttrMask, &xAttr);
if (!d_win) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failure in window creation?\n");
return 101;
// Creating the back buffer, setting swap action hint to background (automatic clearing)
d_backBuf = XdbeAllocateBackBufferName(d_dpy, d_win, XdbeBackground);
XSelectInput(d_dpy, d_win, StructureNotifyMask);
XMapWindow(d_dpy, d_win);
d_gc = XCreateGC(d_dpy, d_backBuf, 0, NULL);
XSetForeground(d_dpy, d_gc, d_drawColor);
// Waiting for MapNotify to inform that the window is mapped onto the screen
for (XEvent e; e.type != MapNotify; XNextEvent(d_dpy, &e));
return 0;
* And swap the buffers like this:
XdbeSwapInfo swapInfo;
swapInfo.swap_window = d_win;
swapInfo.swap_action = XdbeBackground;
// XdbeSwapBuffers returns true on success, we return 0 on success.
if (!XdbeSwapBuffers(d_dpy, &swapInfo, 1))
return 1;